Results for 'C. Thomson Jacob'

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  1. Environmental ethical cost of t-shirts, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India.C. Thomson Jacob & Jayapaul Azariah - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia.
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  2. 5.6. Need For Ground Water Laws and Water Abstraction Ethics For Industrial Use.Jayapaul Azariah & C. Thomson Jacob - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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  3. Young mathematicians at work: The role of contexts and models in the emergence of proof.C. T. Fosnot & B. Jacob - 2009 - In Despina A. Stylianou, Maria L. Blanton & Eric J. Knuth, Teaching and learning proof across the grades: a K-16 perspective. New York: Routledge. pp. 102--119.
  4.  20
    Word values, word frequency, and visual duration thresholds.Ronald C. Johnson, Calvin W. Thomson & Gerald Frincke - 1960 - Psychological Review 67 (5):332-342.
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    More than Conveying Information: Informed Consent as Speech Act.David C. Magnus, Jacob A. Blythe, Jason N. Batten & Bonnie O. Wong - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (5):1-3.
    In their target article, Millum and Bromwich situate their article against a backdrop of well-documented empirical research demonstrating that many participants have variable and often poor...
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    When Appearances Matter: A Taxonomy and Ethics for Demographic-Based Provider Requests.Carrie C. Wu & Jacob M. Appel - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (3):406-413.
    Requests by patients for providers of specific demographic backgrounds pose an ongoing challenge for hospitals, policymakers, and ethicists. These requests may stem from a wide variety of motivations; some may be consistent with broader societal values, although many others may reflect prejudices inconsistent with justice, equity, and decency. This paper proposes a taxonomy designed to assist healthcare institutions in addressing such cases in a consistent and equitable manner. The paper then reviews a range of ethical and logistical challenges raised by (...)
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    Informing, transforming, inquiring: Approaches to elementary social studies in methods course syllabi.Stephanie Schroeder, Natasha C. Murray-Everett, Jacob Gates & Sarah B. Shear - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (2):102-117.
    This study investigated approaches to the elementary social studies methods syllabus from instructors of courses across the United States. Using qualitative content analysis, we explored 48 methods syllabi using a deductive framework of Information Based Systems d:\Sarjeet_Work\2023\Apr-2023\15apr\lot1\j-saib0004-20492\ssr_2014_38_1\spssr_38_1_meta_issue.xml:3: 18:E: there is no attribute "volume" d:\Sarjeet_Work\2023\Apr-2023\15apr\lot1\j-saib0004-20492\ssr_2014_38_1\spssr_38_1_meta_issue.xml:3: 29:E: there is no attribute "issue" d:\Sarjeet_Work\2023\Apr-2023\15apr\lot1\j-saib0004-20492\ssr_2014_38_1\spssr_38_1_meta_issue.xml:3: 32:E: element "MetaIssue" undefined d:\Sarjeet_Work\2023\Apr-2023\15apr\lot1\j-saib0004-20492\ssr_2014_38_1\spssr_38_1_meta_issue.xml:4: 9:E: element "Provider" undefined d:\Sarjeet_Work\2023\Apr-2023\15apr\lot1\j-saib0004-20492\ssr_2014_38_1\spssr_38_1_meta_issue.xml:4: 9: open elements: MetaIssue d:\Sarjeet_Work\2023\Apr-2023\15apr\lot1\j-saib0004-20492\ssr_2014_38_1\spssr_38_1_meta_issue.xml:5: 4:E: element "TOC" undefined d:\Sarjeet_Work\2023\Apr-2023\15apr\lot1\j-saib0004-20492\ssr_2014_38_1\spssr_38_1_meta_issue.xml:5: 4: open elements: MetaIssue d:\Sarjeet_Work\2023\Apr-2023\15apr\lot1\j-saib0004-20492\ssr_2014_38_1\spssr_38_1_meta_issue.xml:6: 11:E: element "TocSection" undefined d:\Sarjeet_Work\2023\Apr-2023\15apr\lot1\j-saib0004-20492\ssr_2014_38_1\spssr_38_1_meta_issue.xml:6: 11: open elements: MetaIssue TOC d:\Sarjeet_Work\2023\Apr-2023\15apr\lot1\j-saib0004-20492\ssr_2014_38_1\spssr_38_1_meta_issue.xml:7: 8:E: element "Heading" undefined (...)
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    The domestic violence victim as COVID crisis figure.Paige L. Sweet, Maya C. Glenn & Jacob Caponi - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-24.
    During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic violence came to be understood as a national emergency. In this paper, we ask how and why domestic violence was constructed as a crisis specific to the pandemic. Drawing from newspaper data, we show that the domestic violence victim came to embody the violation of gendered boundaries between “public” and “private” spheres. Representations of domestic violence centered on violence spilling over the boundaries of the home, infecting the home, or the home (...)
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    An Index of Hume's References in A Treatise of Human Nature.David C. Yalden-Thomson - 1977 - Hume Studies 3 (1):53-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:53. AN INDEX OF HUME'S REFERENCES IN A TREATISE OF HUMAN NATURE The index below of Hume's references in the Treatise te the works of other authors excludes those which are accurate and full in his text (of which there are few) and those which are so general, e.g., to Spinoza's atheism, that no passage is specifiable. Hume mentions other writings, for which this index is compiled, in several (...)
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  10. Aquacultural Development: Social Dimensions of an Emerging Industry.C. Bailey, S. Jentoft, P. Sinclair & Michael Jacobs - 1997 - Environmental Values 6 (1):119-124.
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  11.  41
    McGill Hume Studies. [REVIEW]D. C. Yalden-Thomson - 1981 - Hume Studies 7 (2):172-177.
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    Rechtsvinding en de grondslagen van het recht.F. C. L. M. Jacobs & C. W. Maris (eds.) - 2011 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Effects of Perturbation Velocity, Direction, Background Muscle Activation, and Task Instruction on Long-Latency Responses Measured From Forearm Muscles.Jacob Weinman, Paria Arfa-Fatollahkhani, Andrea Zonnino, Rebecca C. Nikonowicz & Fabrizio Sergi - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The central nervous system uses feedback processes that occur at multiple time scales to control interactions with the environment. The long-latency response is the fastest process that directly involves cortical areas, with a motoneuron response measurable 50 ms following an imposed limb displacement. Several behavioral factors concerning perturbation mechanics and the active role of muscles prior or during the perturbation can modulate the long-latency response amplitude in the upper limbs, but the interactions among many of these factors had not been (...)
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    The American Republic: William James on Political Leadership.Jacob L. Goodson & Quinlan C. Stein - 2022 - Contemporary Pragmatism 19 (1):35-58.
    Since Plato’s Republic, philosophers have outlined their expectations for political leaders and have offered judgments on the actions and decisions made by political leaders in their given context. It turns out that the American philosopher, William James, participates in this philosophical tradition. Although it has been assumed by professional philosophers—and even scholars of William James’s work—that James has no political philosophy, we argue that James’s political philosophy becomes both practical and useful for making judgments about and against political leaders.
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  15. Goodness and Advice.Judith Jarvis Thomson, Philip Fisher, Martha C. Nussbaum, J. B. Schneewind & Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 2003 - Princeton University Press.
    In my contribution to this volume, I (BHS) comment on on the stultifying rhetoric of contemporary analytic moral theory as illustrated in Judith Jarvis Thomson's Tanner Lectures, with particular reference to Thomson's anxieties about the moral relativism exhibited by college freshman and to her efforts--quite strained, in my view, and inevitably unsuccessful--to demonstrate the existence of objective judgments in matters of morality and taste .
  16. Zur Krise der Mystagogie in der Alten Kirche La crise de la mystagogie dans l'Eglise ancienne.C. Jacob - 1991 - Theologie Und Philosophie 66 (1):75-89.
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    Creative Flow and Physiologic States in Dancers During Performance.S. Victoria Jaque, Paula Thomson, Jessica Zaragoza, Frances Werner, Jeff Podeszwa & Kristin Jacobs - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Vom entdecken zum erfinden: Zur begriffsgeschichte von» invención «im kontext der spanischen geniediskussion Des 18. jahrhunderts.Helmut C. Jacobs - 2005 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 47:61-88.
    This article examines the change in meaning of the Spanish term >invención search for and collection of existing premises invention of something new invención invención Genius<, a discussion which had already begun in Spanish Renaissance and which continued intensively through the 18th century.
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    Remarks about Philosophical Refutations.D. C. Yalden-Thomson - 1964 - The Monist 48 (4):501-512.
    The question is raised whether there are forms of reasoning peculiar to philosophy. But if one considers what has been written over the centuries in the name of philosophy, it hardly seems possible that there is any form of ‘reasoning’, however widely one uses that word, which has not been employed. Formal deductive reasoning, appeals to empirical data, arguments from the way in which language is used, arguments from analogy—it is not difficult to think of examples of all of these (...)
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    Divisiones philosophiae: spanische Klassifikationen der Künste und Wissenschaften im Mittelalter und Siglo de Oro.Helmut C. Jacobs - 1996 - Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert.
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  21.  19
    Being cheerfully enlightened.Margaret C. Jacob - 2003 - History of Science 41 (3):287-292.
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    Millenarianism and Science in the Late Seventeenth Century.Margaret C. Jacob - 1976 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (2):335.
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    The Radical Enlightenment and Freemasonry: where we are now.Margaret C. Jacob - 2013 - Philosophica 88 (1).
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    An association between inequity-averse moral preference and risk aversion in decision-making.C. J. Palmer, B. Paton, T. T. Ngo, R. H. Thomson, J. Hohwy & S. M. Miller - unknown
  25.  64
    Hume's View of 'Is-Ought'.D. C. Yalden-Thomson - 1978 - Philosophy 53 (203):89 - 93.
    I cannot forbear adding to these reasonings an observation, which may, perhaps, be found of some importance. In every system of morality, which I have hitherto met with, I have always remark'd, that the author proceeds for some time in the ordinary way of reasoning, and establishes the being of a God, or makes observations concerning human affairs; when of a sudden I am surpriz'd to find, that instead of the usual copulations of propositions, is , and is not , (...)
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  26. More Hume autograph marginalia in a first edition of the " Treatise ".David C. Yalden-Thomson - 1978 - Hume Studies 4 (2):73-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:73. More Hume autograph marginalia in a first edition of the "Treatise". Two sets of marginalia by Hume in copies of the first edition of A Treatise of Human Nature have been published. One is a copy in the British Library. This has 1 2 been described by Connon and Nidditch and was, no doubt, one, at least, of the copies which Hume kept for himself. The marginalia are (...)
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    Recent Work on Hume (A Survey of Hume Literature 1969-1979).D. C. Yalden-Thomson - 1983 - American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (1):1 - 22.
  28. The Virginia Lectures.D. C. Yalden-Thomson - 1974 - In Renford Bambrough, Wisdom: Twelve Essays. Totowa, N.J.,: Blackwell. pp. 62--77.
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  29. A science lesson plan analysis instrument for formative and summative program evaluation of a teacher education program.Christina L. Jacobs, Sonya N. Martin & Tracey C. Otieno - 2008 - Science Education 92 (6):1096-1126.
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    Early Newtonianism.M. C. Jacob - 1974 - History of Science 12 (2):142-146.
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    The Presocratics After Heidegger.David C. Jacobs (ed.) - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    Reads Presocratics such as Homer, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Empedocles from within the realm opened up by Heidegger's thinking.
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    A qualitative inquiry into the experience of sacred art among Eastern and Western Christians in Canada.Jacob Lang, Despina Stamatopoulou & Gerald C. Cupchik - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (3):317-334.
    This article begins with a review of studies in perception and depth psychology concerning the experience of exposure to sacred artworks in Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox contexts. This follows with the results of a qualitative inquiry involving 45 Roman Catholic, Eastern and Coptic Orthodox, and Protestant Christians in Canada. First, participants composed narratives detailing memories of spiritual experiences involving iconography. Then, in the context of a darkened room evocative of a sacred space, they viewed artworks depicting Biblical themes and (...)
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    Bioethics Casebook 2.0: Using Web‐Based Design and Tools to Promote Ethical Reflection and Practice in Health Care.Jacob Moses, Nancy Berlinger, Michael C. Dunn, Michael K. Gusmano & Jacqueline J. Chin - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (6):19-25.
    The idea of the Internet as Gutenberg 2.0—a true revolution in disseminating information—is now a routine part of how bioethics education works. The Internet has become indispensable as a channel for sharing teaching materials and connecting learners with a central platform that houses materials to support an online or hybrid curriculum or a traditional course. A newer idea in bioethics education reflects developments in web-based medical education more broadly and draws on design principles developed for the Internet. This approach to (...)
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    Tracing a Ghostly Memory in my Throat. Reflections on Ftm Feminist Voice and Agency.C. Jacob Hale - 2009 - In Laurie Shrage, You’Ve Changed: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity. Oup Usa. pp. 43.
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    Trade-offs in low-income women’s mate preferences.Jacob M. Vigil, David C. Geary & Jennifer Byrd-Craven - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (3):319-336.
    A sample of 460 low-income women completed a mate preference questionnaire and surveys that assessed family background, life history, conscientiousness, sexual motives, self-ratings (e.g., looks), and current circumstances (e.g., income). A cluster analysis revealed two groups of women: women who reported a strong preference for looks and money in a short-term mate and commitment in a long-term mate, and women who reported smaller differences across mating context. Group differences were found in reported educational levels, family background, sexual development, number of (...)
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    Hume: Precursor of Modern Empiricism.D. C. Yalden-Thomson - 1963 - Philosophical Quarterly 13 (50):81-82.
  37. Theory of Knowledge. Hume & D. C. Yalden-Thomson - 1957 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 13 (1):89-90.
  38. There is no God in Desperation: Tak and the Problem of Evil.Jacob M. Held & C. Taylor Sutton - 2016 - In Stephen King and Philosophy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    A chimpanzee by any other name: The contributions of utterance context and information density on word choice.Cassandra L. Jacobs & Maryellen C. MacDonald - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105265.
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    Geen pluralisme zonder levensbeschouwelijke neutraliteit.F. C. L. M. Jacobs - 1998 - Philosophia Reformata 63 (1):21-26.
    Hooglands commentaar op mijn ‘Pluralisme’ komt hierop neer dat levensbeschouwelijke neutraliteit niet mogelijk is, noch voor de overheid, noch voor de individuele burger. We kunnen geen radicale buitenstaanderspositie innemen tegenover de levensbeschouwing die we erop nahouden. Dat zou een vorm van hybris zijn. Wie niettemin levensbeschouwelijke neutraliteit bepleit en deze identificeert met tolerantie voor de levensbeschouwingen van anderen, pretendeert in feite dat het eigen tolerante standpunt moreel superieur is aan het standpunt van al diegenen die aan hun levensbeschouwing vastgeklonken zitten. (...)
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  41. Scientific culture and the making of the industrial West.Margaret C. Jacob - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Margaret C. Jacob.
    As more and more historians acknowledge the central signifcance of science and technology with that of modern society, the need for a good, general history of the achievements of the Scientific Revolution has grown. Scientific Culture and The Making of the Industrial West seeks to explain this historical process by looking at how and why scientific knowledge became such an integral part of the culture of Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and how this in turn lead to the (...)
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    Psychological correlates of the mobility decision.Keith W. Jacobs & John C. Koeppel - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (5):330-332.
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    Schönheit und Geschmack: die Theorie der Künste in der spanischen Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts.Helmut C. Jacobs - 1996 - Frankfurt: Vervuert.
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    Isochronal annealing ofpandn-type silicon irradiated at 80°K.C. D. Clark, A. Fernandez, D. A. Thompson & J. J. Thomson - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (167):951-964.
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  45. Energy Decisions within an Applied Ethics Framework: An Analysis of Five Recent Controversies.Jacob Bethem, Giovanni Frigo, Saurabh Biswas, C. Tyler DesRoches & Martin Pasqualetti - 2020 - Energy, Sustainability and Society 10 (10):29.
    Everywhere in the world, and in every period of human history, it has been common for energy decisions to be made in an ethically haphazard manner. With growing population pressure and increasing demand for energy, this approach is no longer viable. We believe that decision makers must include ethical considerations in energy decisions more routinely and systematically. To this end, we propose an applied ethics framework that accommodates principles from three classical ethical theories—virtue ethics, deontology, consequentialism, and two Native American (...)
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  46. Beauty and Unigless.Vernon Lee & C. Anstruther-Thomson - 1897 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 44:640-645.
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    Isols and maximal intersecting classes.Jacob C. E. Dekker - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):67-78.
    In transfinite arithmetic 2n is defined as the cardinality of the family of all subsets of some set v with cardinality n. However, in the arithmetic of recursive equivalence types 2N is defined as the RET of the family of all finite subsets of some set v of nonnegative integers with RET N. Suppose v is a nonempty set. S is a class over v, if S consists of finite subsets of v and has v as its union. Such a (...)
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    From Stevin to Spinoza: An Essay on Philosophy in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic (review).Margaret C. Jacob - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):276-277.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.2 (2003) 276-277 [Access article in PDF] Wiep Van Bunge. From Stevin to Spinoza: An Essay on Philosophy in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic. Leiden: Brill, 2001. Pp. xii + 217. Cloth, $80.00 By 1660 there were probably more followers of Descartes in the Dutch Republic, population 1.4 million, than in France, population 20 million. Protestantism and prosperity encouraged high rates of literacy and (...)
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    (1 other version)Hume: Theory of Knowledge.D. C. Yalden-Thomson - 1954 - Philosophy of Science 21 (3):270-270.
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    The relationship between the subjective experience of real-world cognitive failures and objective target-detection performance in visual search.Katherine J. Thomson & Stephanie C. Goodhew - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104914.
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